Tag Archives: weight loss system

The Paleo Diet

I consider this diet so important that I’ve given it its own section. In fact it’s more like a way of life than a diet. All my research and reading has led me to believe that the healthiest way to live is by following what’s known as the Paleo Diet. It is also known as the Paleolithic Diet, the caveman diet, the Stone Age diet and the hunter-gatherer diet. It represents a good way to lose weight […]

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The ABC’s of Dieting

The sad fact is, dieting isn’t easy. You may have read about some of the fad diets and those wonder diets that are “guaranteed” help you lose 20 pounds practically overnight.  But do these diets really work? Maybe yes, maybe no… The problem with most of these diets is that they can help you lose some weight short term, but you may find it hard to keep that weight off once you stop dieting, plus, most of […]

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Eating For Better Health – Vitamins

We hear about vitamins all the time but have you ever stopped to ask yourself, what is a vitamin? The technical answer to this question is that a vitamin is an organic chemical compound – or related set of compounds – that cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by our bodies and so must be obtained from the foods we eat. Whew! That’s some definition. But the simple way to put it is that vitamins are things […]

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